Home Birth Services
Prenatal Care
- Hour long prenatal visits are scheduled monthly, bimonthly and weekly, according to weeks of pregnancy and need.
- At each visit, Mom’s vitals are assessed, which includes blood pressure, pulse, weight and urinalysis, along with assessing fetal position and heart rate. Screening for anemia and ordering labs are done as needed.
- We also spend time at each visit to get to know each other, to go over any questions or concerns you may have, and to discuss your desires for the birth.
- A home visit is usually planned between 35-38 weeks and your partner and anyone else who plans to attend the birth are encouraged to attend*
- Access to lab work, as needed and ultrasounds can be arranged
*an alternate schedule may be offered depending on your location
Labor & Birth
- You'll officially be “in the clear” to give birth at home beginning at 37 weeks
- You will be encouraged to eat, drink, and remain active during labor (birth ball, walking, bath/pool, etc)
- A doula is highly recommended for labor
- We do our best to accommodate your desires for labor and birth
- The midwife and assistant come to your home when labor is active and usually stay around 2.5-3 hours after the birth to finish up postpartum care
- Consultation is available if you reach 42 weeks
- The midwife, doula, or assistant will accompany you to the hospital whenever possible if transfer of care is needed
- VBACS, breeches and twins are considered on an individual basis and may require an additional care provider
- An in-home postpartum visit for mother and baby is scheduled for 24-72 hours after the birth, and again between 7-10 days
- We offer the Newborn Screening (heel prick) test and critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) screening for your baby and will provide recommendations regarding the hearing screening
- We provide breastfeeding support and will give you a referral to a lactation consultant if needed
- Additional office visits for both mother and baby are scheduled between 2-8 weeks, or as needed